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Laurie so here goes...
1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? Venice, Italy or somewhere in Hawaii, preferably Maui. :)
2.What's your favorite article of clothing? shoes - no matter how much you gain weight, shoes will always look cute!
3.Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? smile
4.What's the last CD that you bought? wow, I can't remember... I think it was Michael Buble's latest album
5.Where's your favorite place to be? Hawaii
6. Where is your least favorite place to be? doctor's office...particularly ob/gyn
7.What's your favorite place to be massaged? feet
8.Strong in mind or strong in body? mind
9.What time do you wake up in the morning? lately between 7 and 8am
10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? toaster oven
11.What makes you really angry? know-it-alls
12.If you could play any instrument, what would it be? drums
13. Favorite color? red
14.Which do you prefer...sports car or SUV? SUV
15. Do you believe in an afterlife? Yup. Heaven.
16.Favorite children's book? Guess How Much I Love You
17. What is your favorite season? Summer
18. Your least favorite household chore? Cleaning the bathroom
19.If you could have one super power, what would it be? flying.
20.If you have a tattoo, what is it? no tattoos
21.Can you juggle? Nope
22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to? hmmm... grandparents? I never knew any of them.
23. What's your favorite day? FRIDAY!!!
24. What's in the trunk of your car? usually a flat of bottled waters, Jonah's stroller
25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? tough one... burgers I guess but I'm craving sushi right now!
Ok, I've already tortured some of you with my tag from last week... So I won't do it again... I'll tag EVERYONE who reads this - take THAT! :)